Academic Coach Team » Scope of Work

Scope of Work

Mission Statement


The mission of the WUSD coaching team is to empower and build capacity to grow teacher-leaders.

Scope of Work
New Teacher Induction
New teachers meet with coaches for a monthly 2 hour training.  During this training we focus our learning on items new teachers encounter throughout the school year.
Mentor teachers meet with coaches for a monthly 2 hour training.  During this training, mentor teachers learn skills and strategies on how to mentor newcomers to our district.   
We provide teachers district-wide with classroom observation and feedback focusing on instructional strategies in order to promote positive student outcomes.
Professional Development
We offer two formats for professional development – Online and Face-to-Face
We coordinate district-wide state assessments and support teachers and administrators in utilizing data to drive instruction. 
We support curriculum design K-12 and guide teachers in the maintenance and implementation of lesson planning and curriculum mapping.