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Student Information Sheets for SPED students

General Education Teachers are now able to access IEP Information Sheets for students in their classroom who are enrolled in our SPED program.

This will allow General Education Teachers to view needed accommodations and services that will be provided for their SPED students.

GenEd Teachers, please ensure that you are using the email address when registering to access this Student Information Portal (SI Portal). This is important because it MUST match the email address we have entered in our IEPpro system.

If you have any questions or trouble logging in, please call us at 928-288-8108. Thank you!


Here is the link to our Student Information Portal which will allow you to view/print the IEP Information Sheet for students which need SPED Services, Modifications or Accommodations to be provided. 


**Please see the e-IEPpro Quick Reference Sheet which provides step-by-step directions for registering.


Once you get to the main log-in page of the Si Portal, simply enter your email address, then click "Step 2>>" and it will automatically send you an access code to the email address you entered which you will need to access the system. Please use your assigned email for this process.


Just remember that it has to be the same email address that is listed in our system.


Thank you and have a great day!